How to Create 2D Animation in Godot Using Animated Sprite

When it comes to game production, animations are essential to giving gamers a captivating and immersive experience. Your Godot game’s characters and surroundings can come to life with the addition of 2D animations, making them more engaging to look at and more interactive.

Thankfully, Godot has strong tools and capabilities that make controlling and creating 2D animation simple.

Setting Up the Godot Game

Create a simple 2D game scenario in the Godot game engine to get things started. A KinematicBody2D node can be included as the player character in a newly created scenario. Add a CollisionShape2D with a rectangular shape within the KinematicBody2D to represent the player’s collision limits.

To manage the player’s animations, you should also include an AnimatedSprite node. Additionally, confirm that the following input actions are mapped in your input map:

The GDScript code to manage the player’s movement should then be written. Put the script below on the KinematicBody2D node:

The player may move left, right, up, and down with the arrow keys or WASD thanks to this script, which also sets up a consistent speed for them.

Adding SpriteSheet in AnimatedSprite

AnimatedSprite should now be configured to use a sprite sheet for animations. Choose the AnimatedSprite node and open the node’s properties tab. From there, select the Frames section. In this instance, select the New SpriteFrames button.

Toggle between the SpriteFrames tab and the Godot editor’s other tabs. The New Animation button may be found under the SpriteFrames tab. By including the proper frames in each animation, you may create animations like walk and idle.

You can also make other kinds of animations, such climbing, jumping, and shooting, for a platformer game. Next, select Add Frames from SpriteSheet to begin the process of automatically removing each frame from the sprite sheet.

Controlling Animations Using GDScript

Once your animations are configured, you can use GDScript to control them programmatically.

Playing and Stopping the Animation

It’s crucial to manage animation playback if you want your game to offer engaging and dynamic gameplay. Godot’s AnimatedSprite node provides ways to start and pause animations in accordance with your game logic.

Within the _physics_process function, extend the KinematicBody2D node and manage the animation control. The corresponding animation actions can be triggered by using the play_animation and stop_animation inputs.

You may provide players control over the animation playback in your game by mapping the relevant input actions.

To enable the player to start an animation sequence at a specified time, you could, for instance, connect the play_animation action to a button press or a certain event in your game. You can also play music that isn’t protected by copyright while the animation is running.

To fully halt the animation, you may also initiate the stop_animation operations.

You may give your game’s animations additional depth and involvement by using these animation control tools, giving your players an immersive and captivating experience.

Rotating the Animation

You may spice up your game’s visual appeal and variety by rotating the animation. To modify the animation’s orientation, you can rotate the AnimatedSprite node programmatically. The rotate() method can be used to apply the rotation in degrees.

The rotate() function on the AnimatedSprite node is called when you push the buttons connected to the rotate_animation (you may define this action in your input map). By converting the degrees to radians using deg2rad(), it rotates the node by 45 degrees in a clockwise direction.

Remember that it will rotate every frame of the animation on the entire AnimatedSprite node. Therefore, you might need to divide them into separate AnimatedSprite nodes or use other methods, such flipping individual frames, if you simply want to rotate a subset of the frames.

Flipping the Animation

To depict changes in character direction, it can be helpful to flip the animation either vertically or horizontally. The AnimatedSprite node in Godot has characteristics that regulate flipping.

Set the AnimatedSprite’s flip_h attribute to true to flip the animation horizontally. By doing this, the animation’s horizontal axis will be mirrored. Likewise, mirroring the motion down the vertical axis can be achieved by setting the flip_v attribute to true.

Set the flip_h property of the AnimatedSprite to true if the player presses the flip_animation input action. The animation will flip horizontally as a result.

Utilizing Signals in AnimatedSprite

Apart from programmatic animation control, Godot has a robust event system known as signals. Signals let you react to particular things that happen when your game is being played.

Two crucial signals that you can use in the case of AnimatedSprite are animation_finished() and frame_changed().

#1 animation_finished() Signal

When an animation loops or reaches its final frame during a single playback, the animation_finished() signal is released. When you wish to carry out tasks or start events after an animation ends, this signal comes in handy. Using the connect() function, join the AnimatedSprite’s animation_finished() signal to the script’s _on_animation_finished() method.

The _on_animation_finished() function allows you to do custom logic or activate other features when the animation ends.

#2 frame_changed() Signal

The animation’s frame_changed() signal is released each time the current frame shifts. This can happen when you programmatically change the frame or while the animation is performing. This signal can be used to recognise frame changes and adjust your response.

Attach the AnimatedSprite’s frame_changed() signal to the script’s _on_frame_changed() function. The _on_frame_changed() method allows you to access the current frame when the frame changes and execute logic or take actions based on the frame’s value.

You can include dynamic behaviours or set off specific actions in your game by using signals to react to animation events like completion or frame changes.

Make Godot Games More Engaging Using Animations

Your Godot games will play much better overall if you include 2D animations. Characters come to life through animations, which also enhance their visual attractiveness. Your gaming environment can be made dynamic and engaging by adding animations for different movements like sprinting, jumping, attacking, and walking.

Additionally, animations can be used to give the player visual feedback. By improving the game’s responsiveness and engagement, the user feels more involved and in control of the experience.

In harnessing the power of Godot’s AnimatedSprite, creating captivating 2D animations becomes an accessible and dynamic process. By mastering the intricacies of this versatile tool, you can infuse life into your digital creations. However, should you find yourself desiring professional finesse or looking to elevate your animation projects, consider engaging with reputable 2D 3D animation services. Collaborating with a trusted 3D Animation Company or 3D Animation Agency like us can provide the expertise needed to enhance your animations further. Whether you are a seasoned animator or a budding enthusiast, the seamless integration of Godot’s AnimatedSprite and the guidance from a reliable 3D Animation Video Company can open doors to a realm of boundless creative possibilities.

Contact us to discuss your project and discover the artistry and expertise we bring to every animation endeavor.